I ate the best chocolate cake ive ever had….oh my goodness, I never wanted that
one piece of cake to end!....Eli’s friend, Simona, made for dessert after
tonight’s dinner and I was in heaven….
….but before I get to that….the rest
of my day, honestly, wasn’t too terribly exciting….woke up early and was off to
the kindergarten….worked on a presentation about a lesson, for the American
teacher, Donna, who we are the interns for….and then it was home to workout,
shower and then met up with my friend Olivia to make the last few decisions and
plans for London….we leave Thursday night and I can hardly believe it!!!....I
am so freaking excited!!....
…tonight was a dinner that Eliana has
been planning for a bit…..Simone is out of town, actually in Chicago, for
business all week….so needless to say, Eli wasted no time planning a dinner
with her closest girlfriends….she asked if I would like to come and of course I
said yes….honestly this is one of my favorite parts of the homestay
situation…..getting to make “family friends”…I mean I also adore my extended
family that I have as well….but its really cool to continue seeing the same
friends over and over….tonight there were 3 friends that I had already met, and
3 that I hadn’t…..it was very fun…a couple were also pregnant (which was
adorable)….and I got to be there when Eli told her big news that she is also J….a
couple friends knew already but most of them did not, so that was very cool to
be a part of…
…dinner was delish….eliana made
pizza (I absolutely love her pizza because she makes the crust thicker than
normal Italian pizza crust…she even made me one with sauce and pesto on it J
I think she likes me J)….she literally made 6 pizzas for 8 women….we had
pizza for days….but regardless it was so so so delicious….we would eat a pizza,
then relax and wait for the next one to finish cooking….over and over and
over….until finally we had all had enough pizza and after some more relaxing
following the last pizza….i saw a chocolate cake find its way onto the table….
went on for a good three hours, and actually is still going on from the sounds
of it….after 2 and a half hours, my head was pounding from trying to translate
and do it fast enough to keep up with the conversation of 7 women….and I was
already exhausted, so that just made the translating more difficult…..so I bowed
out, thanked them for dinner, and am now heading to bed….tomorrow is a long day
of classes, but at least we have cuisine tomorrow!!! J until then J….buona
notte J
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