was, well, quite a day….started off waaayyyy too early….out the door at 7:30am
and off to meet the rest of the USAC students at Porta Nuova, to head to the
police station for all of us to get fingerprinted for our permits of stay…..and
let me just tell you that was quite the process, and it took
FOREVER!!.....literally I was probably in the first third of the kids and we
got there at 9 am and I didn’t even get all the way done and out of there until
1pm….the last guy didn’t get done and back to school until like 4pm….it was
totally nuts….but now it is all done, and we just wait to be told it is done
and that we can go pick them up….that wont be for another month or two (so we
will most likely have them for a whole 6 days before we go home)….but oh well,
its done and one less thing to think about and worry about…
it was back to school for our review class for our test in Elem. Italian tomorrow
morning….which felt like it took absolutely forever as well….but this time it
was only mostly because I just wanted to get out of there sooo badly so that I
could go see my parents, who were officially in Torino by the time my class
started….i was so excited!!....i think the same second that my professor said
that class was over, was the exact same second I was out the door…..it was so
cool taking the metro to go see my parents….walking up to their building, and
hearing my name being called out, only to look up and see my mom waving to me
from her balcony…
it was off to show them my new city….we took off and headed downtown to show
them the center….Via Roma, Piazza San Carlo, Piazza Castella, and the Duomo….loved
being able to tell them all that I had learned about so far J….then
we were off to find some dinner…..the place I was planning on in my neighborhood
of Lingotto was closed so we just headed to my house to show them…..
got to meet my host mom, Elie, when we got to the flat….and needless to say,
they loved her J….i
mean, how could you not,….I showed them my beautiful place….got to talk to Elie
a bit…..and then directed us to another pizzeria, a few blocks away….believe it
or not, it was actually the restaurant of the soccer complex that we played at
last night….and man was it super good J….mom said it was the
best pizza she has ever had….but then again I don’t think she had eaten in
about a day……but it was a great night of food and so nice to have my real
family with me J…..
mom and dad headed to the metro to go back to their place and I came home to
study for my test tomorrow….tomorrow will be a great day, class in the morning
and then more showing around of mom and dad of Torino tomorrow….Eataly,
Lingotto, all the Olympic stuff, and hopefully (if it is clear) Basilica di
Superga…..and then, dinner at my house with ALL of the extended family....myself,
AND mom and dad are sooo excited…like momma said, itll be just like a movieJ….cant
wait for them to meet my whole extended family here in Italy…that will be
totally fun….but this is one exhausted, extremely happy girl….a domani tutti!
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